
Dr. 安德里亚(安迪. 肯特是土生土长的莫比尔人,也是十大玩彩信誉平台的校友 阿拉巴马州, is serving as 执行副总裁 and 教务长 of the University of 南 阿拉巴马州. She embraces the notion of teaching, research and service, focused upon supporting talented faculty as they lead innovative research, teach remarkable students and engage 通过服务来改变世界. Dr. 肯特加入了大学社区 celebrating the collective milestones and individual achievements of many, and continues to promote the ongoing development of a community of inclusivity, where all voices 被倾听、被重视、被尊重.

Dr. Kent served as Interim 教务长 from 2020-2022 and as Interim 执行副总裁 从2022年2月开始担任教务长. 作为临时教务长. 肯特实现 the Start 南 dual degree program that allows students at more than a dozen high 在他们的大学教育中获得领先优势. 她也支持 expansion of scholarship programs, including those based on need and others designed for active-duty military; the creation of 南’s Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences in the College of 艺术与科学; and the growth of research in health 科学、工程和商业.

She also facilitated support for faculty through the navigation of the COVID-19 global 在增加新生入学人数方面发挥了重要作用. 

在担任临时教务长之前. 肯特担任教育学院院长 and Professional Studies, as well as Associate Dean, Director of Field Services and 那个学院研究生院的临时主任. 她的职业经历 also include being a recognized scholar with four published books and nearly $7 million in external funding, along with many referred publications, scholarly presentations 指导学生的研究. 

Dr. Kent earned her Doctor of Philosophy in Instructional Design and Development and her Master of 教育 in Early Childhood 教育 from USA, and earned her Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood and Elementary 教育 from the University of Mobile. She began her career in education in 1995 and became a member of the 南 阿拉巴马州 2004年的家庭. She married Derek Kent in 1997 and has two children, Andrew and Mary 伊丽莎白.


The 执行副总裁 and 教务长 for 学术事务 is the chief academic officer of the University and has administrative responsibility for, and proper jurisdiction over, the academic programs and the faculty and staff serving the various academic 单位、学院、学校、科、系. 学院内部的划分 Affairs include: the Colleges of 艺术与科学, 教育, 工程, 护理, the Pat Capps Covey College of 专职医疗专业, the Mitchell College of 业务, the 荣誉学院, the 研究生院 and Office of 研究, the School 计算机和大学图书馆. 其他向教务长报告的办公室包括:  注册商, 注册服务, Innovation in Learning Center, 制度研究, 制度的有效性, and 成功 Center (学生学业成就). 

The EVP/教务长 is responsible for programs, policies, budgets, and planning in the areas mentioned above and is charged with managing faculty recruitment and development 还有晋升和终身职位. 教务长/执行副总裁在发展学术方面发挥着重要作用 policies and regulations, planning and developing curricula, and participating in 教师招聘和任命. 教务长/执行副总裁也与副校长密切合作 总统 for Medical Affairs/Dean of the College of Medicine to coordinate efforts 有关卫生保健专业人员的准备工作.


The 执行副总裁 and 教务长 advises the 总统 on University policies, 有关校园和美国健康的项目和运营.  在没有的情况下 总统, the 教务长/EVP makes decisions on behalf of the 总统.  教务长/执行 seeks input from multiple perspectives and constituencies in a collaborative manner, including interacting with members of the 总统’s Council to consider opportunities, 建立新计划并解决问题.  她参与决策 并支持总统的决定.  教务长/执行副总裁提供领导 across the institution in support and implementation the strategic plan.  教务长/执行 oversees efforts in the assessment and development of policies and programs to ensure that the University is fully accountable in all aspects of its operation.  她工作 with the 总统 to allocate University resources in a manner consistent with the goals of the strategic plan as approved by the 总统 and 校董会.
