
Posted on July 22, 2019 by 网页服务部

Properties screen showing meta description and keywords data-lightbox='featured'

搜索 engine optimization (SEO) is the process in which the traffic to your website is improved from search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing via organic or algorithmic 搜索引擎的搜索结果. 一个网站在搜索结果中排名越靠前, the higher the number of visitors the page will receive from the search engine.

The following is a list of tips to help you with your SEO:

  1. 在页面属性中输入元描述

    A meta description is the small blurb that appears underneath your webpage title on the 搜索 Engine Results Page that includes information about your page. 它是设计好的 to provide users with a brief summary of the content on your page so that users know 如果页面会回答他们的问题. 使用行动呼吁(i.e. “今天申请” or "Learn more here") in your meta descriptions is a great way to compel people to 点击你的网站. 它们通常在50-150个字符之间.  再看一遍 length will result in your meta being truncated in the search 结果, which means 在截止日期之后,用户将看不到任何内容.

    • Increase click-through rates, which in turn will boost your conversions.
    • Improve indexing so you rank higher on search engine 结果 pages (SERPs).
    • Make it easier for visitors to find the content they’re looking for.
  2. 在页面属性中输入好的关键字
    • Simply list out as many keywords and search queries you can imagine your audience 人物角色使用逗号分隔.
    • List out your top main points and goals, then research keywords and phrases that relate 所以你添加到你的关键字列表.
    • Do not “stuff” keywords with unnecessary repetitive information like “University of 南 Alabama” and “Mobile”, and do not use any keywords that are out of context. 它们必须对你的页面有意义.
  3. 在你的页面中使用这些关键词
    When adding keywords to your website, it is important to include your keyword in 6 在你网站的每一页的位置. 将你的关键词包含在这6个领域将会 help search engines identify the subject of your page and rank your page in search 结果.
    • 页面标题
    • 元数据描述
    • 标题标签(H1, H2, H3等.)
    • 主体段落
    • 图像Alt标签
    • URL
  4. 在图像上使用描述性的alt文本
    The search engines cannot read images, so it is a good idea to make sure you optimize all of your images with a descriptive ALT attribute that includes your keyword. It is a good practice to use descriptions that include more than just the keyword.
  5. 保持简洁
    保持url和页面标题尽可能简短. 你希望它们完整地出现 on search engine 结果, so searchers can know where they’re going when they click 你的结果. Run-on page titles and URLs can run your webpage down to a lower rank 在结果页面.
  6. 使用优质内容
    The content on your page should always be high quality, written specifically for your 目标访问者. Make it a point to produce content that is valuable and engaging.
  7. 定期更新你的内容
    搜索 engines — and more importantly, real people — will notice if your blog hasn’t been updated since 2016, and will take it as a sign that the rest of your content 也许不值得考虑.
  8. 链接仔细
    • Including high-quality links to related content on other domains will demonstrate 你自己内容的合法性. The more links you use, the greater the likelihood 你会收到来自其他域名的反向链接. 反向链接很重要,因为 它们让你看起来像个权威.
    • Add links to relevant content on your own site to keep readers engaged and prevent 他们不会离开.
    • 不要依赖“点击这里了解更多”作为链接. 相反,把关键字转换成 link that a search engine can get excited about: “Explore our hands-on program offerings.”
    • 总是尽快更正损坏的链接.
  9. 使用多媒体
    It is always a good practice to use images, video, charts, and infographics to keep 访问者在网站上停留的时间越长越好. 如果访问者登陆你的页面 没有什么有价值的东西,他们会很快离开. 这转化为高反弹 rate, something that can have a negative impact on your search 结果. 你想要 keep them on the page, so give them something to hold their attention.
  10. 监控你的进步
    You won’t know if all your hard SEO work is paying off unless you keep track of your 搜索排名. If you don’t have access to your Google Analytics, contact Web服务.
